The Ereky Public Law Research Center was founded in January 2011 within the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Department of Administrative Law with the aim to become actively involved in the current trends and development of public administration. Its founder's aim was to develop an independent think tank, which is actively involved in the current trends and development of public administration and policy. The research center conducts joint and individual research projects, in search for answers to the pressing questions. This way the research group can participate in central and local (governmental) development projects, where knowledge management, scientific basis or international comparison is essential. Research topics are related to human rights, the exercise of state power, central and local public administration, and the control mechanisms of public administration. The team is led by Andras Zs. Varga, professor of law, Head of Department at PPCU and judge of the Constitutional Court of Hungary. The director of the Research Center is Balázs Gerencsér associate professor, while its members are professors, senior researchers and doctoral students, and sometimes even graduate students.
Research activities:
see all research activities on the main page here.